Vision & Mission & Objectives


The Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences -University of Khartoum seeks to be one of the leading faculties in its field nationally, regionally and globally, in terms of teaching and learning, the excellence of scientific research and community services.


Providing academic programs that meet the requirements of comprehensive quality and are compatible with local and international standards to provide the community with specialists in the field of medical laboratories characterize by skill, ability to compete, spirit of creativity and initiative to serve the community and contribute to its development


  • Graduating a qualified, well trained medical laboratory specialist with high levels of knowledge supported with ethical values for practicing the profession of medical laboratory science.
  • Providing students with basic and advance knowledge in medical laboratory sciences; develop their critical thinking as well as scientific problem solving and creativity skills to be experts and leaders in the field of medical laboratory diagnostic services and scientific research.
  • Providing students with the ability to manage the medical laboratory and overcome technical, administrative and financial problems with the ability to make decisions.
  • Providing students with the ability to participate, collaborate, understand and build a high level of professional personality in dealing with colleagues, patients, relatives, and members of the health profession.
